Please submit the information below to sign the petition.

The Homosexual Lobby and their allies in Big Tech are determined to completely ban conservative speech from the internet.

Please help me pressure Congress to support the Stop the Censorship Act to restore freedom of speech and Religious Liberty back to the internet by signing your petition.

Petition To My Congressman and Senators:

End Conservative Censorship

The First Amendment protects Christian and conservative speech; and

The Homosexual Lobby and Big Tech have labeled all Christian and conservative speech with the baseless accusation of "hate speech" to justify widespread censorship; and

There is no loophole in the First Amendment to allow the Radical Left, the Homosexual Lobby and Big Tech to censor speech they dislike; and

The Homosexual Lobby and Big Tech are operationg a de facto monopoly on all internet and social media communications and interactions, leaving conservatives and Christians without any functional alternative,

I urge you to give your full support to the Stop the Censorship Act of 2020 which will End the Conservative Censorship currently plaguing social media and the internet.
