Please submit the information below to sign the petition.
The Homosexual Lobby and their radical allies are on a war path to purge Christian Values. Please help me pressure Congress and make them see Religious Liberty is under attack, and that we are in a Christian State of Emergency by signing your petition.
My Petition To:
My Senators and Representative
Whereas: The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees and protects the Religious Liberty of the American people; and
Whereas: This recent emergence of anti-Christian bias and discrimination in America is dangerous, wrong and un-American; and
Whereas: Every American -- regardless of their religion -- should have the right to worship and practice their religion without fear of fines or imprisonment; and
Therefore: I urge my Senators and Representative to defend the rights to Religious Liberty and to take action against the recent onslaught of Christian Values on Capitol Hill and around the nation.
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