Dear friend,

Public Advocate is leading this fight, but it won't be easy.

Unlike our enemies in the Homosexual Lobby, Public Advocate does not receive any tax-payer funding.

And these fights can be expensive.

Please consider making a financial contribution right now to fund Public Advocate's fight against the Homosexual Lobby.

For the Family,

Eugene D.

Dear Eugene:

Thank you for filing this pro-Family Amicus Brief! And I want to help.

You need to continue your critical programs protecting the Family and standing against the radical Homosexual Lobby.

I understand how important every contribution is right now.  That is why I am sending you a generous donation of:

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Last Name:

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Public Advocate was founded as a non-profit tax-exempt educational group under section 501(c)4 of the IRC.   Because Public Advocate lobbies to stop the Homosexual Agenda, contributions to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible.