Public Advocate
of the
United States

Defending the American Family

To: Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S.
Post Office Box 1360
Merrifield, VA 22116
From: _____________________________________


_________________,   ____      _______

Dear Eugene,

I have read your letter, and I want to help.

You need to continue your critical programs standing against the radical Homosexual Lobby�s attempts to sneak Thought Control past Congress by hiding it in the Defense Authorization Act.

I understand how important every contribution is right now.

Please use my donation to wage Public Advocate�s grassroots campaign to keep Thought Control from turning a bill that is supposed to support our troops into another assault on the American Family:

___ $20    ___ $25    ___ $50    ___ $100    Other: $_______

Please make checks payable to: Public Advocate.
Public Advocate of the U.S, Inc., was founded in 1978 as a non-profit tax-exempt educational organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate of the U.S. are not tax deductible.

Credit Card Donation

[  ] Visa  [  ] Mastercard  [  ] Discover

Card Number # ___________________________________________________

Amount: $ __________

Expiration Date: ____/____/____