Whereas: The Georgia State Constitution in section 1, paragraph III protects the citizen’s of Georgia’s right to freedom of conscience; and
Whereas: Section1, paragraph’s IV and V of the Georgia State Constitution protect the right to freedom of religion and of speech respectively; and
Whereas: Augusta State University, a publically funded university, has infringed upon student Jennifer Keeton’s freedoms of conscience, religion, and speech by threatening her with expulsion from the counseling department if she does not partake in “sensitivity” courses to change her fundamental religious beliefs on homosexuality, which she has expressed using her Constitutional right to free speech;
Therefore: I urge you, as the enforcer of the State’s Constitutional law, to withhold funding from Augusta State University in the state budget and to inform this school of that decision until such time as they will respect Jennifer Keeton’s Constitutional rights of conscience, religion, and speech and shall cease to threaten her with expulsion for exercising those rights.