
Dear pro-Family American,

The Johnson Amendment is a threat hanging over the heads of American pastors.

So many Christian leaders wish to speak out publicly and aggressively against the radical Homosexual Agenda, but are being silenced by this political gag order.

And matters will only get worse.  The Homosexual Lobby is on the warpath against American churches.

The Johnson Amendment is the weapon they will use.

It's critically important that Public Advocate and the pro-Family Movement see the Johnson Amendment changed as soon as possible.

So please, sign the petition below supporting the Free Speech Fairness Act to alter the Johnson Amendment.

And don't forget to chip in a donation after you sign, to fund Public Advocate's fight to end this unconstitutional act.

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

Petition to My Congressman and Senators:

Support the Free Speech Fairness Act (HR 781)

The Johnson Amendment, enacted in 1954, is an unconstitutional restriction on the rights of American churches; and

The Homosexual Lobby is attempting to use the Johnson Amendment to punish and even silence any preachers who speak out against the radical Homosexual Agenda; and

Pastors from Texas, Georgia, Iowa, Massachusetts and so many other states have already been threatened, harrassed or attacked for publicly opposing the political agenda of the Homosexual Lobby on religious grounds; and

The Free Speech Fairness Act would alter the Johnson Amendment and lift the unconstitutional gag order from Christian churches and pastors;

As your constituent, I hereby request and insist that you fully support H.R. 781, the Free Speech Fairness Act, to restore the rights of Christians.

Submit your information Below to complete your petition.
