Public Advocate

Dear Pro-Family American,

Please join with me in supporting Chick-fil-A in this showdown with the Homosexual Lobby.

If you can't reach a store in person, please give them a call at 1-866-232-2040 and leave a message thanking them for their pro-Family stand!

And if you can, consider chipping in a donation to help fund Public Advocate's operations in defense of the Family.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio

P.S. You can post the link to this video directly to your Facebook page to spread the message.

Dear Eugene:

Thanks for sharing this video.

I'm glad to support Chick-fil-A in this fight with the Homosexual Lobby.

I also understand how important every contribution is right now in the fight against the Homosexual Agenda.  That is why I am sending you a generous donation of:

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Click here to Donate by Mail

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Public Advocate was founded as a non-profit tax-exempt educational group under section 501(c)4 of the IRC.   Because Public Advocate lobbies to stop the Homosexual Agenda, contributions to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible.