Dear Pro-Family American,

The Radical Homosexuals infiltrating the United States Congress have a plan:

Indoctrinate an entire generation of American children with pro-homosexual propaganda and eliminate traditional values from American society.

That’s why I need you to act quickly to protect our nation’s youth.

I’m helping lead the fight to defeat the radical homosexuals but I need your help.

Please join me by taking a public stand AGAINST this outright assault on our nation's youth by signing the Protect our Children's Innocence Petition below!

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S.

Protect our Children's Innocence Petition

Whereas:   Schools should be institutions of learning, dedicated to the unbiased and unpoliticized pursuit of knowledge equally for all students; and

Whereas:   The mis-named "Student Non-Discrimination Act" actually DOES discriminate by creating special protected classes of students; and

Whereas:   More accurately-named the "Homosexual Classrooms Act," the "Student Non-Discrimination Act" targets children with homosexual propaganda far over their heads in an attempt to sexually confuse and corrupt; and

Whereas:   Government should have NO AUTHORITY to force the Homosexual Agenda on the American people, much less their children;

Therefore:  As your constituent and a concerned pro-family voter, I strongly insist you oppose the so-called "Student Non-Discrimination Act," and make every attempt to see it defeated.


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