Dear Pro-Family American,

Religious Liberty is under attack in America!

But members of Congress have filed a bill that is nothing but a hijacked version of the original First Amendment Defense Act (FADA).

They are hoping you and I won't notice it no longer guarantees protection for supporters of Real Marriage and Religious Liberty.

The new Fake FADA bill (S. 2525) has gutted the language that prohibits the federal government from denying tax exemptions or other government benefits to individuals and institutions that defend Real Marriage.

And I will need the support of every Public Advocate supporter to force Senator Mike Lee and Congress to fix FADA to its original glory.

Once you've signed your petition below, please consider giving your most generous contribution to help Public Advocate reach our $18,000 fundraising goal by April 10th, to pressure Congress to protect Religious Liberty and Real Marriage.

For the Family,

HON. Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S.

Petition to Fix the First Amendment Defense Act to:

My Senators and Representative

Whereas:   The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees and protects the Religious Liberty of the American people; and
Whereas:   The radical Left is going all-out to DESTROY Religious Liberty and outright BAN the free exercise of our Christian Faith as individuals; and
Whereas:   All across the country, Christian-based businesses, schools, healthcare clinics and non-profit organizations are facing the threat of being shut down for practicing their Faith and values; and
Whereas:   Every American -- regardless of their religion -- should have the right to worship and practice their religion without fear of fines or imprisonment; and
Whereas:   The original language of the First Amendment Defense Act would prohibit the federal government from denying tax exemptions or other government benefits to individuals and institutions that defend Real Marriage.
Therefore: I urge my Senators and Representative to fix the First Amendment Defense Act to its original language that truly protects Christians' right to Religious Liberty and their ability to practice their faith without persecution.
Please submit the information below to sign the petition.

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