Supprt the the Boy Scouts

Dear Pro-Family American,

We only have so much time.

Next week, the Boy Scouts of America are expected to vote on the proposal to allow homosexuals in their ranks.

In the past few months, Ralph Reed has been serving as the middleman for conservative Christians and pro-homosexual Boy Scout "leaders" in hopes of reaching a "compromise."

Supporters and members -- current and former -- have rejected again and again proposals that seek to allow homosexuals in the ranks.

Please help us save the legacy and tradition of the Boy Scouts.

Sign your emergency petition right away!

For the Family,

Hon. Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

Petition to Preserve the 100 Year
Legacy of the Boy Scouts:

Boy Scouts of America Leadership

Whereas:   The Boy Scouts of America have a long-established tradition of pro-Family values; and
Whereas:   The Boy Scouts is an iconic institution that assists young boys develop into men while teaching the importance of serving God and country, being mentally awake and morally straight; and
Whereas:   The leadership of the Boy Scouts should stand firm and not give in to the Homosexual Lobby's bullying tactics;
Therefore: As a strong supporter of the Boy Scouts of America, I strongly advise you to preserve the legacy of the Boy Scouts and uphold the traditional pro-Family values that have made this institution so great.
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