Cory Booker

Demand Answers Today!

What is Senator Lamar Alexander hiding by refusing to answer Public Advocate's pro-Family Survey?

His failure to strongly oppose Homosexual Lobby's war on Religious Liberty and Traditional Marriage.

Not only has he blatantly refused to answer his candidate survey, he also failed to even speak a word of opposition when the Senate passed the dangerous Gay Bill of Special Rights last year.

The Homosexual Lobby has made no secret that they are trying to buy the 2014 Mid-Term Elections in order to protect their stranglehold on Congress and the federal courts.

That's why Public Advocate of the United States -- America's most effective pro-Family grassroots organization since 1981 -- has pulled out all the stops to expose their radical hand-picked candidates.

Please call Senator Lamar Alexander right now and ask him why he won’t complete and return Public Advocate’s Family Values Survey.

(202) 224-4944

Don't let Senator Alexander hide his failure to take a stand against the anti-Family agenda of the radical Homosexual Lobby.

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